How to treat herpes?

A herpes outbreak is felt before it can be seen. The first symptoms of herpes are a tingling, buzzing and sore sensation in the skin. You must react to this feeling immediately. If you react quickly, you can minimize the outbreak and ensure that it does not become...

Can I kiss my boyfriend if he has a cold sore?

Can I kiss my boyfriend if he has a cold sore? Cold sores, known medically as herpes simplex 1, typically appear on or around the lips. Some individuals experience cold sore outbreaks inside the mouth or up the nose, but the majority occur on the lips. An oral...

What are cold sores?

Cold sores are caused by a virus called Herpes Simplex, which comes in two varieties. Herpes 1, which occurs on the face, by and in the mouth, nose, eyes or most commonly on the lips. Herpes 2, which occurs on the genitals, on the penis, in and around the vagina, at...

How to recognize a cold sore

Cold sores typically appear around the mouth and on the lips. First you feel a tingle or soreness on the skin, then the area swells and the skin will become red. Shortly afterwards small blisters appear, containing a clear liquid. The blisters will burst or be covered...

Symptoms of cold sores

Cold sores appear as a tingling or buzzing in the skin, then swelling, redness and tenderness appears. After some time, small blisters will appear and finally, 7-10 days later, a scab will form, which eventually will fall off and leave no scar. Cold sores and herpes 1...