Herpes on the body

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Herpes is a well-known disease, and up to 80% of the European population carry the annoying virus. When you are infected with herpes, you are infected with a virus that can cause outbreaks of blisters on different areas of the body. The virus is colloquially known as herpes, but in the medical language herpes virus includes 80 different types, of which 8 can infect humans. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV 1), Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV 2) and herpes zoster are the most common.

Depending on whether you are infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 or herpes simplex virus type 2, the classic symptoms are blisters around the mouth and face or on and around the genital area. In rarer cases, however, both herpes 1 and herpes 2 can cause blisters on the skin in other areas of the body. Both viruses are fortunately completely harmless, but both can be painful and very annoying.

Once you have been infected with the herpes virus, it will stay in your body for the rest of your life. Herpes settles in the nerve cells, and there is no cure for it. Fortunately, it goes dormant, and many are lucky never to notice the virus again.  Approx. 20% of the infected are unfortunate and they will experience outbreaks at different time intervals for the rest of their lives.

Can you get herpes on your body?                     

The short answer is yes. The most common when you are infected with herpes 1 is an outbreak  around the lip/mouth area and on the face in general, while the most common when you are infected with herpes 2 is an outbreak in and around the genitals, on the balls, around the anus and on the inner thighs. However, there are also rarer cases where the herpes simplex virus causes herpes in other areas of the body. You can get herpes on your finger, on your back, on your knee, on your scalp or anywhere else on your body. Although outbreaks on the body are rarer than in the face, there is no cause for concern. Herpes is not dangerous. When it occurs many are bothered by the accompanying symptoms and the small blisters that turn into sores afterwards.

Can you have herpes on your body without it being dangerous?

Herpes outbreaks on the body are quite harmless. In general, the herpes virus is not dangerous, but it can be both irritating and painful. There is no treatment for herpes that can cure you for good, and therefore you cannot completely avoid outbreaks. If you are affected by herpes on the body, the only thing you can do is to relieve the symptoms

One way you can both prevent outbreaks and reduce the extent of the outbreak is by treating with remedies designed to help with herpes. It is possible to get cream through your doctor on prescription or to choose a milder form that you can find over the counter.

What does herpes look like on the body?      

Herpes on the body typically looks like it does on the face or around the genitals. When you have an outbreak of herpes, you will often notice that your skin becomes irritated and hurts and later small blisters appear on the skin. The fluid-filled and yellowish blisters usually appear in small clusters. They will be painful, hot, stinging and tender at the first outbreak, and these symptoms may also appear in subsequent outbreaks. This phase of the outbreak is typically the most bothersome. After a few days, the blisters will burst and form scabs before eventually falling off. When your herpes sores on your body have fallen off, you will typically have no scars.

Depending on how severe your herpes outbreak is, it will last between 1-4 weeks. The first outbreak, also called the primary infection, will be the most painful, and the vast majority experience that the outbreak lasts a little longer than subsequent outbreaks. If you get repeated outbreaks, they will typically last between 1-2 weeks.

Can you get herpes on the thigh?

Herpes on the body can also appear as an outbreak on the thigh. When you are infected with herpes 2, it is very common for you to notice blisters on the inner thighs. Herpes 2 most often appears in the area around the genitals, on the inner thighs, near the anus or as herpes on the buttocks. You may also experience outbreaks of herpes on other parts of the body when you are infected with herpes 1. The herpes virus appears all over the body, although herpes 1 is most common on the face and herpes 2 is most common around the genitals. Herpes zoster shows up as a rash all over the body. This type of herpes is also known as shingles. It is rarer than herpes 1 and herpes 2, and herpes zoster will typically be extremely painful due to an itchy and irritated rash on the skin over parts of the body.

Is herpes a skin disease?

Herpes is a virus that causes an infection in the skin, so herpes is not a skin disease. Because herpes is a virus, it also means that it is highly contagious. In rare cases, some may suffer from an allergic reaction to the herpes virus and this may result in the skin disease erythema multiforme. This skin disease is a temporary skin condition that is triggered by something preceding it, for example the herpes virus. It is very rare, but if you suspect that you are affected by erythema multiforme, you should contact your doctor for advice, guidance and treatment. Erythema multiforme cannot be contagious.

Can you get herpes on your hand?

Both herpes 1 and herpes 2 can cause herpes outbreaks and blisters all over the body, although the most common are outbreaks on the face around the mouth (HSV-1) and the genital area (HSV-2). If you suddenly discover yellowish, fluid-filled blisters on your hands that are sore, warm, and stinging, this may well be a sign of a herpes outbreak. If you already know that you are infected with herpes, you can very likely recognize the blisters from previous outbreaks. If you are in doubt or do not know if you are infected with the herpes virus, it is always a good idea to contact your doctor to determine whether it is herpes or another type of virus or skin infection.

Herpes on the body of a child

A herpes infection in the skin of the body can easily occur in children, and herpes is not dangerous for them either. Therefore, there is no need to panic if your child is affected by herpes. Most people who have herpes become infected before the age of five. This is because herpes is transmitted through close physical contact and touching, and smaller children often find it difficult to limit physical contact. It is therefore quite natural that children are affected by infections and viruses, including herpes. If you notice that your child has symptoms of herpes, it is a good idea to visit the doctor. Here you can find out whether it is herpes or not, and at the same time get creams for possible treatment and relief of soreness, burning and itching. Herpes in very young children, including newborns, can be very harmful and even dangerous to the infant.